History Of C Language : C programming language was developed in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie at bell laboratories of AT&T (American Telephone & Telegraph), located in the U.S.A. Dennis Ritchie is known as the founder of the c language. It was developed to overcome the problems of previous languages such as BCPL, B etc. Why C Programming Language Was Named C ? : The reason why the language was named “C” by its creator was that it came after B language. Back then, Bell Labs already had a programming language called “B” at their disposal. The B language, a high-level language created by Thompson, was itself an implementation of the programming language BCPL designed by Martin Richards of Cambridge University. Hello World! Program : First Create file_name.c file in your editor (file_name is name of your file). In that file write following code : Output : What will in the next blog ? 1. Installation of VS Code 2. Installation of GCC compiler...